Paper and Poster Competition
Paper Competition Rules​
There are no additional fees associated with the Paper Competition.
Each entry must be an undergraduate student and a member of one of the participating student chapters. Others may present, but cannot be considered for the top prize.
Due to space constraints, we will only be accepting 12 presenters total. Selection will be made by chemical engineering professors at Mississippi State University.
Co-authorship of papers is permitted. However, only one person shall make the presentation at the Regional Student Paper Competition, and this person must have been substantially involved in the project or subject of the presented paper.
A panel of three chemical engineers (faculty, industry representative, or AIChE local section member) will judge paper presentations. The decision of these judges will be final.
Time limits are 15 minutes for presentation and 3-5 minutes for Q&A.
Poster Competition Rules
There are no additional fees associated with the Paper Competition.
Each entry must be an undergraduate student and a member of one of the participating student chapters. Others may present, but cannot be considered for the top prize.
Posters should not be more than 48" wide x 36" high. Poster backs and stands will be provided.
Students will be judged by faculty, industry representatives, or AIChE local section members.